Bodice Front Style 18

The bodice of this garment has an angular style-line (or design line) that goes from the mid-neckline of the half-block to the Bust Point and the BP to the waist. Style-lines are one of the dart equivalents. Starting with the 2-Dart Bodice Block, it requires the same dart manipulation as Style 14. (i.e. Starting with the 2-Dart Block, and pivoting the side seam dart into the mid-neck).
The difference between this style and Style 14 is:
- it has no darts, as the darts are incorporated into the style-line
- this style will have 2 pattern pieces rather than 1, as the style-line crosses from one edge to another through the Bust Point, and allows the bodice to be divided
Example: Outcome

Figure B shows Style 14 on the left and Style 18 on the right
The focus of these instructions is covering the theory and practice of manipulating darts and the exercise finishes after the dart manipulation has been done. For production ready patterns you would need to take further steps to add seam allowance, pattern labels, pattern piece numbers, the grainline, etc.
See the note about rounding the sharp corners at the Bust Point at the bottom of Style 16 which applies equally to this style.