You can buy Standard Blocks through my Ko-Fi shop.
3D Scanning: The answer to easily getting correct measurements?
Across Shoulder: The Gotcha
Body Forms
Drafting Patternmaking Bust Sizes
Ease in Patterns And Blocks
Fabric Burn Test Chart
Fit vs Size
Fit, Sizing & Measurements - Fashion & Garment Manufacturing
Fit: A Perfect Fit or a Good Enough Fit? (Including Asymmetrical Figures)
Fitting Issues NOT Figure Faults
Large-Bust Adjustment
Large-Bust Adjustment: The Gotcha
Making Toiles for Fitting
Patternmaking Bust Cup Sizes
Reduction in Width for Stretch Blocks
Stretch Basics for Patternmaking, Part 1: Introduction
Stretch Basics for Patternmaking, Part 2: Blocks
Stretch Basics for Patternmaking, Part 3: Challenges for Non-Standard Figures
Understanding the Sleeve Part 1: The (Minimal-Ease) Fitted Sleeve Block
Understanding the Sleeve Part 2: The Sleeve Cap Curve and Ease
Understanding the Sleeve Part 3: The Triangle & Bicep/Cap Height Relationship
Understanding the Sleeve Part 4: Final thoughts on Standard vs Non-Standard Figures
What is the difference between a Block and a Pattern?
Where do I start? How do I learn patternmaking?
Why Upper Bust, Rather than Bust?
Why would I want to make my own blocks?