About This Website

This website is a work in progress. I went live on 1 January 2018 with a fair amount of content; mainly Principles and Block Making Instructions At this time I also had a few Elements and four patterns. For the first few years I gave away a lot of high quality downloadable information for free (e.g. Written instructions for the drafting blocks, etc). I also gave a lot of time helping individuals when they encountered problems drafting their blocks. It seemed the more I gave for free, the more people expected (and demanded). I removed most of my free downloads around 2022 as well as some content that was out of date (i.e. instructions that conflicted with my most up-to-date drafting instructions).
The content of the website and the detailed YouTube tutorials found in my dresspatternmaking YouTube channel remain free.
I did not add much content in the years 2022-2024 as I was concentrating on my YouTube channel, but I plan on adding one item (such as an Element) per week in 2025.
Thanks for visiting,